Now that the warm weather is finally upon us, and our kids are out and about more, it is important to teach them some tips that will keep them safe.  The following list came home recently in my middle-schooler's backpack, but I think it is worth repeating for all ages. And parents, let's try to remind our children that just because a grown up may be bigger than they are, it does not mean that they are smarter. Be careful and stay safe this summer!

1. ALWAYS let your parents know where you are when you are not at home. If you have a cell phone, use it.

2. DO NOT accept rides. DO keep walking or run if necessary.

3. NEVER walk alone, even during the day. DO try to use the buddy system when you go out, like walking with a friend.

4. DO NOT take short cuts or frequent secluded places. DO stay in well lit areas that are open and near other people.

5. DO stay alert to what is going on around you. Take note of your surroundings.

6. DO make a lot of noise if you are in trouble. DO NOT be afraid to yell, scream, or draw attention to yourself in an emergency. This is a way to let others know that you are in trouble and need help.

7. DO NOT talk to people who you do not know. You DO NOT have to be polite when someone is making you feel uncomfortable or not taking "NO" for an answer. 

8. ALWAYS let someone know, like a parent, relative, police officer, or teacher, if someone has bothered or followed you. Try to get a description of the stranger or stranger's car.

9. DO NOT accept gifts from strangers. Walk away.

10. ALWAYS trust your instincts.
