No. 1 Rearrange your diary and go with your partner to her midwife appointments. Your partner will appreciate the support and you’ll get to know the midwifes and learn about how the baby is developing and how your partner’s body is changing during pregnancy.
There is also nothing quite as exciting during the pregnancy than seeing the scan of your baby at twelve and twenty weeks.
No. 2 Be prepared! Get a good book and learn about how a baby will change your life. There are some excellent books for dads available that can help you to consider the numerous ways that your baby will change your life. Having things ready in advance means that you’ll not be rushing around at the last minute
No. 3 Have an opinion! If your partner is unsure whether to go for cloth or disposable nappies, to breastfeed or to use formula or what colour to decorate the nursery – offer your thoughts.
No. 4 Plan the finances! If you haven’t already got a life insurance policy, a will or a savings account, now might be a good time.
No. 5 Arrange your paternity leave. Talk to your line manager and your HR team when you start telling people about the pregnancy and ask for some flexibility of dates for your paternity leave. I was a bit like a yo-yo for a week before my son was born – in and out of work as the Braxton Hicks contractions confused us and finally became the real thing!