New parents often have many questions when it comes to Mom and baby's nutrition. How will Mom cope with "morning" sickness? Will you choose breast milk or formula for baby? Here are some key steps for keeping your family happy and healthy during these new and exciting times.

Morning sickness: Nausea and vomiting can occur at any time of day during pregnancy, and for some, well past the first trimester. What's going on? A surge and change in hormones are suspected. To reduce symptoms of "morning" sickness eat small, frequent meals (including snacks) throughout the day. Stay clear of strong flavors and odors - and follow a low-fat (not fat-free!) meal plan. Before getting out of bed in the morning, eat. Keep a snack-size pouch of pretzels or crackers on your bedside table to nibble on before leaving your bed. Eating a bedtime snack rich in protein and heart-healthy fats such as plain yogurt mixed with granola may also reduce symptoms as well.

Save money while eating on the fly: Personal schedules often pick up pace closer to baby's due date. Family budgets can suddenly become of utmost importance, too - especially if taking leave from work. Save money and build healthy meals at home. Plan weekly menus based upon schedules and meal plan needs. On the days you cook, keep it simple. Create colorful, heart-healthy meals with whole grains, vegetables and lean meats.

Breast milk or formula? Breast milk is the best nutritional choice for most babies. It allows mom to pass along precious immune defense compounds, as well as essential nutrients tailored directly to each stage of a baby's development. That said, strictly breast feeding for the first six months of life and supplementation with infant-appropriate solid foods between 6 to 12 months is nutritionally preferred. If breastfeeding isn't an option, choose a formula that's convenient and similar in composition to mom's milk.

Solids - which ones? After baby's first month or so of eating solids, you may notice they're ready to move past rice cereal. Regardless whether you plan on preparing baby's food from scratch or not, commercially prepared options deserve consideration. They allow flexibility with schedules, travel, out-of-home care and family visits. When choosing a line of baby food, focus on brands offering all-natural, single foods and "mixed" meals without preservatives, artificial colors, added sodium and sugars.

To juice or not to juice? This is a common topic of debate for parents. Do children need juice? No. Whole fruits can provide one's daily servings of fruit. Can juice help meet daily servings of fruit? Yes, if it's 100 percent juice. If offering juice, keep these in mind: Don't offer juice before 6 months of age; only offer it in a cup, never in a bottle; and keep daily serving sizes to no more than 4 to 6 ounces for children ages 1 to 6.

By arming yourself with nutritional strategies early on, you'll be ready to tackle anything that comes your way - keeping Mom and baby healthy for optimal growth and development. Carrie Taylor is a registered dietitian and licensed dietitian nutritionist with Big Y. If you have a nutrition question, e-mail her at askcarrie@bigy .com or write Ask Carrie, 2145 Roosevelt Ave, P.O. Box 7840, Springfield, MA 01102.
